At the beginning of Term One, parents are invited to meet with teachers for a “Getting to Know Your Child” meeting. The purpose of the meeting is for teachers to receive information from parents to help identify a child’s strengths and needs to assist in developing future learning opportunities for the child and to build positive relationships between teachers, students and parents.
Parent, child and teacher conversations are held towards the end of Semester One. The purpose of the conversation is for the child to own, and be proud, of their achievements and to have direction for their future learning. Part of the meeting is for students to share their learning portfolios with their parents. Teachers and parents have an opportunity to share relevant information about the child, to identify the child’s strengths and needs and to assist in developing learning opportunities for the future.
Parents are invited to request additional parent teacher conversations throughout the year if the need arises. Teachers may also request extra meetings with parents.
Teachers provide written reports to parents at the conclusion of Semester One and Semester Two. The report provides information about your child's achievements through personal teacher comments as well as teacher judgements which are reported against expected statewide standards for the relevant year level, or where appropriate against their personal learning plan.
Learning Portfolios are used as another form of communication to parents. Students take the portfolios home at the end of each Term. Parents are invited to write a comment on the page provided. The portfolios are an integral part of reporting student achievement to parents.
For students with extra needs, the school provides the opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and relevant support personnel at the end of each Term. The student’s personalised learning plan will be discussed and goals reviewed, modified and updated where needed.